
Jul 14

How to Reduce the Cost of Gaining a Full UK Driving Licence


When you want to gain a full UK driving licence, the cost can be considerable. From the provisional licence through lessons and the theory test, before taking the final exam, it all costs money. So we have put together our 4 top ideas of how you can keep down the cost of gaining your licence.

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Jul 14

Whats The Best Time of Day to Take Theory Test?


Unlike exams at school or university, the great thing about the driving theory test is that you can choose exactly when to take it. Whether you’re an early bird or a night own, can’t function on Mondays or want to be celebrating on Friday, there’s a lot to think about when booking your theory test.

Everyone is different, but here are a few things to consider about when trying to decide on the best time of day to take theory testĀ from Book My Theory Test Online.

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