
Common Causes of Accidents and How to Avoid Them

(Image Source: Flickr)

According to the latest recorded data, fewer people are killed as a result of road traffic accidents in the UK than any time since records began. However over 1,500 people are still predicted to lose their lives on British roads this year. We have therefore put together the most common causes of road traffic accidents, and some advice on how you can avoid them.

1. Driving Under the Influence

Drink driving is still one of the biggest killers on the roads today. This not only includes people who choose to drive directly after drinking, but those under the influence the morning after. Being caught drink driving can lead to the loss of your licence, a £5,000 fine, incarceration and a criminal record. But the price you pay for taking a life is greater still. Limit your intake of alcohol if you need to drive the next day. And on a night out, get a taxi or walk if you have been drinking.

2. Lack of Control

The majority of accidents that occur on British roads occur when either one or multiple drivers lose control of their vehicle. This could be due to poor weather conditions, lack of visibility or simply failing to reduce speed when carrying out a manoeuvre. Put simply, the easiest way to stay safe is to make sure you are in control at all times. Make sure you are aware of the hazards around you and react in plenty of time. Ensure your vehicle is in good condition and regularly monitor tyres and brake pads. Consider taking an advanced motoring course; this will focus on driving in stressful conditions, and ensure you can keep everyone safe.

3. Speed

When we are late or in a hurry mistakes happen. And it is these mistakes that lead to accidents. But it is not just because of lateness that drivers tend to speed up. Loud music, talking on the phone and simple lack of consideration for others leads to more aggressive driving and potential fatalities. To reduce the risk of a collision, keep focused on your driving at all times and don’t let other distractions cause you to be yet another statistic.

4. Lack of Judgement

Failing to anticipate another driver’s manoeuvre, or incorrectly anticipating what a pedestrian will do, can have very serious consequences – whether you are too close to the car in front and therefore cannot react to changes in time, or attempt to pull out in front of an oncoming car at a roundabout. Take a chance and you risk an accident. Spend a couple more moments making sure the road is safe before you react, and you are far more likely to drive off unharmed.

5. Lack of Perception

More than one in three accidents on Britain’s roads could be avoided if everyone was simply more aware. Many times this is due to fatigue, which can easily be reduced by taking regular breaks. Often, however, it is simply complacency, on the part of drivers (and pedestrians) who travel the same route every day. The key is to approach every journey like it is the first time you’ve driven there. Keep aware, keep focused and keep safe.