Apart from the cost of the car itself, there’s a whole raft of expenses that young drivers have to contend with. Insurance gets more expensive all the time, fuel prices head ever upwards, and because most people start out with a relatively old vehicle, the cost of keeping it running can be prohibitive. A basic understanding of how a car works is an extremely good idea; that should go without saying. However, if you can learn how to do some basic routine maintenance jobs, you can save yourself a lot of money – even factoring in the cost of some of the courses below. If you’re the kind of person who has to take their car to a garage when one of the headlights blows, read on…
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Monthly Archives: August 2014
Aug 14
Save Money: Basic Car Maintenance Courses for Young Drivers
Aug 14
The Hidden Benefits of Having a Full Driving Licence
If you want to drive a car on Britain’s public roads, you need a driving licence. It’s as simple as that. Should you get caught driving without a licence, you can expect to face some severe penalties. And you will even get penalty points added as soon as you do get a licence.
It sounds obvious, but the main benefit to having a driving licence is that you can be road-legal. But did you know that there are also some hidden benefits to passing your theory and practical tests? In today’s blog post, I explain what they are!